Hi, I’m Janice! I am a working professional, a doer, a passionate helper and I’m even kind of funny.

The first half of my adult life was spent in almost constant motion – doing, going, and eating garbage. As an adult I decided to ditch the home cooked meals I was raised on in favor of convenience.

Convenience was fast food for three meals a day for several years. I went from a job I loved to a job I hated. I swapped fast food and take out with bowls of cereal and pans of brownies for dinner. And before I could ask you to pass the chips and salsa – my body started breaking down.

I was also completely overwhelmed. Because I did not know how to deal with stress, my sleep suffered, I ate unhealthy food, I couldn’t stand my job and I started exercising too much–or not at all.

I couldn’t relax and my hair was falling out.

A friend introduced me to functional medicine and, finally, after 6 years, my path to healing began. Through this process, I realized that stress had been a constant companion for many years and played a huge role in my health issues.

Here’s my story

I decided to go with a functional medicine doctor (a provider that treats the root cause of illness and disease) because I couldn’t accept that the shampoo recommendation, by my previous doctor, would fix my hair loss. During this process, I was also encouraged to go back to my upbringing. I remembered how my mom taught me to prioritize eating well and exercising. With my doctor’s help, I started to incorporate healthy habits in my life. The changes included a dramatic new diet, learning to prioritize restorative movement and sleep, and making sure to spend time in nature. The process was far from easy, but with persistence the tide slowly began to turn. Only to come roaring back up the shore–or that’s what it felt like whenever I encountered setbacks. With each setback, I was able to learn what worked for me and what didn’t. It has been a long uphill road, but I am now a recovering stressy-person! I am free from seasonal allergies and fatigue, and I no longer feel like the garbage I used to eat.

Life doesn’t come with a stress-free option, and I’m not sure I would want it to. Talk about boring! I now know that stress is in my life to stay … but it doesn’t have to define me. And it definitely doesn’t control me. I also know that I wouldn’t be where I am today without the help and care of my doctor and mentor as well my mom and my personal support team.
Through my journey, as well as my training through the ADAPT Health Coach Training Program, I now have the tools and skills to help me navigate the stressful times with more poise.

As an ADAPT Functional Health Coach I can help you find the tools that work for you to find the balance and freedom from stress and overwhelm that you crave. We all deserve a happy, healthy life!